Anyone who operates an online store always faces a common dilema. How do we provide the best view of our products? Traditionally shopping carts allow you to upload a thumbnail and larger view image. Some allow for multiple detail images and perhaps even a slideshow. But let’s say you have something highly detailed and wish to provide a simple yet elegant way to allow your shoppers to view your products in high detail by just mousing over the image. A fantastic zoom utility program that plugs into most popular shopping cart systems can do just that.
Zoom Example
The zoom utility allows for the shopper to simply mouse over your product images and immediately a popover window appears with the zoomed effect mirroring the area of the image their mouse is currently over. The shopper can move the mouse around and view different areas of the image and product. The shopper also has the ability to click on the image and view a larger high definition version of the product image which closes easily with a click of the mouse.
Here’s examples. Picture one shows a typical product image:

Shopping Cart Image Zoom Tool
This second image shows the popover zoomed image appearing on mouseover:

Shopping Cart Image Zoom
If the shopper decides to click on the image a full version of the product image is displayed. This is an ultra-fast and cross-browser system utilizing a combination of Flash and Javascript to acheive its effect.
Live Demo
[thkBC height=”400″ width=”800″ anchortext=”Image Zoom Demo” title=”Image Zoom Demo” url=”” type=”iframe”]
Shopping Cart Compatibility
This zoom utility works as a plugin for most major cart systems. Complete installation instructions are included with the purchase. Prices are as low as $37 for a single site. There are various versions of this zoom tool from which to choose.
It is compatible with:
- X-Cart
- Zen Cart
- OS Commerce
- Cube Cart
- Magento
- Virtue Mart
- CS Cart
- NetSuite
- CRE Loaded
Popular Blog and CMS Compatibility
It is also offered as a plugin or module for the following:
- WordPress
- Drupal
- Joomla
Learn More:
To learn more about this great utility and view demos of it in action: