by SimcoMedia Design | Oct 28, 2009 | Current Projects
We’ve just completed an update to a WordPress installation for Tiger Jones Productions / DJ Kona Dance involving installing and customizing a new theme as well as several new plugins for site management. Tiger Jones Productions provides DJ services and event...
by SimcoMedia Design | Oct 11, 2009 | Past Projects
The Kitchen Outlet’s main focus was a very simple design as requested by the site owner. Xcart was used to provide the shopping cart system which allowed for easy customization and functionality. The product line focuses on kitchen gadgets and popular salad...
by SimcoMedia Design | Oct 11, 2009 | Past Projects
Prestige Fundraisers began as a redesign that also included the integration of a complete online ordering system where schools, organizations and churches could log in and place orders for bulk fundraising products such as candies, candles and cookie dough. The system...
by SimcoMedia Design | Sep 27, 2009 | CSS
There was a time that trying to figure out CSS positioning was as confusing as reading the health care bill in congress. Once I got the jist of the basics of positioning then it became much clearer in how to use them together. The beginning ‘key’ was to...
by SimcoMedia Design | Sep 25, 2009 | CSS
Updated! New style added. Blockquotes are rather boring unless you jazz them up a bit with some quotes and styling. Otherwise, why have them? Right? Normally what you want is just a way to have quotes to start the block and quotes to end it. Here’s some code...